The last few years, I have had problems gaining weight. I had large spells of fatigue, and felt sick all the time. I went to at least three doctors to run test after test to try to find the cause. They ran bloodwork and would find inconsistencies but never an answer or solution. I still continued to lose weight until I was barely 90 pounds. They said it was due to stress and me being vegan, which never quite added up.
My husband was by my side through the entire journey, and knew first hand the problems I was experiencing.we had the same diet, and he had no issue with weight. He met Maryann’s husband, and after a conversation came home with her card and information for me. At first I was not in a hurry to go. I had honestly lost hope in finding out the problem and was starting to believe it was in my head.
For the next few months we decided to try finally for a baby. With no luck, I went back to my doctors and OB for advice. They said the same- start eating meat, eat ice cream fattening foods. They said I wasn’t built to carry a child. I went home depressed and we began looking into adoption. My husband luckily wouldn’t let me give up. He knew there was some underlying problem. He again mentioned Maryann, and that she worked with women and she had a holistic view which was a fresh view compared to the doctors I had been seeing. I was very nervous at the consult. I had an extensive medical history with surgeries and tests that I hated talking about, and had started to feel very uncomfortable in medical environments. She was very thorough, and took lots of notes while we talked for over an hour. She right off the bat, recommended things for me to drink to help with my stomach issues then not only ordered new blood tests but asked to see my old ones as well. She then determined I had a platelet disorder, which is very rare (and had never been noticed prior) . Two months after seeing her and applying the changes she had proposed, I started to sleep, and was able to eat and gained ten pounds. Shortly after, I found out I was pregnant. I am now due in two days.
Throughout the pregnancy I have seen a hematologist and specialists because of my blood disorder. If I didn’t go see Maryann, I don’t think I would have been able to get pregnant; but even if I did I never would have known about the platelet disorder. At first the hematologist and obgyn weren’t convinced that the condition had been missed for my entire life- and insisted on running even more tests. They all confirmed her findings and without her I am convinced I never would have known about it. The condition can be genetic so I am now very educated on the condition for myself and child. I am so incredibly thankful, and recommend her to everyone who has health issues that are beginning to affect their everyday life. Thank you !