What Is Naturopathic Medicine?
Approach and Philosophy Naturopathic doctors are medically trained doctors who combine the best of natural and modern medicine to treat chronic disease in the safest,
Approach and Philosophy Naturopathic doctors are medically trained doctors who combine the best of natural and modern medicine to treat chronic disease in the safest,
About Prolozone Therapy Prolozone is derived from the Latin word “proli” which means to regenerate or rebuild and the word ozone. Ozone is the most
Our HCG program is 40 days and the method of delivery is a painless subcutaneous injections just under the skin.
Please don’t waste money or put your health at risk attempting such a low calorie diet with over the counter drops. Pharmaceutical grade HCG is far superior and requires a prescription. High quality HCG and a properly guided program will help maximize safe weight-loss and keep weight off after program completion.
The hormones in your body fit into receptors like puzzle pieces. Loss of hormones creates an imbalance, and you begin suffering from the symptoms described above. You need to correct the imbalance by adding hormones, but since your hormones are unique and fit into receptors (like puzzle pieces), it’s absolutely crucial to add the right ones.
© 2018 All rights reserved | * Maryann Simpson Operates as An Independent Practicioner