Hello my name is Cindy; my journey to health began over 20 years ago at around age 30.  I was a young mother of three living what seemed to be a dream life when I began feeling ill. My feet and ankles would swell to the point, I could not wear shoes, not to mention the pain that kind of swelling causes. I also had so much pain in my wrists that I had to wear wrist braces on both hands. I had difficulty holding a 16 oz glass of water using both hands. I began loosing my hair and continued to have unexplainable weight gain; I also suffered from serious mood swings, several Dr.s wanted to dismiss some of these symptoms to menopause and stated that its just part of life. I looked and felt very old and decrepit

I had been put through all the tests including … heart evaluations and multiple blood tests that came out  ” NORMAL” and even a trip to the Mayo clinic to find out what was wrong with me. I was diagnosed with fibromyaligia and Lupus, but still this did not explain all that was wrong with me. With nowhere to turn for answers I began my journey by simply eating real food and eliminating chemicals. I made my first appointment with a naturopath who informed me that the body wants to heal itself but needs the proper nutrition to do so. Many of our foods today lack the nutrition we need because of the poor soil conditions; which means we have to be more diligent about where we get and what kind of foods we put into our body. I began feeling better.

I since have relocated from my journeys beginnings and had to find someone to guide me to complete wellness and I found Maryann. She has taught me even more about how the body works and re-enforced some of what I had already have learned. THE BODY WORKS AS A WHOLE AND TO TREAT JUST ONE   PART OR SYMPTOM MIGHT NOT FIX THE REAL PROBLEM. SYMPTOMS ARE JUST THE MESSAGE SYSTEM OUR BODIES HAVE TO LET US KNOW THERE IS A MALFUNCTION. I now do not have the pain or the swelling or any of those terrible symptoms that were so disabling to me. I have lost over 50 lbs and feel like I can meet the challenges life has to offer.


On another note not that having health issues isn’t enough I also was in a car accident that made my face go numb with loss of use of my right hand and also my lower back became so unstable that I could not walk 5 houses down the street without wetting my pants or loosing feeling in my legs. I had an MRI done and the neurosurgeon wanted to fuse my spine. I knew there had to be another way, being that I had been on such a journey with my health and found real results.   I did some research and found prolo therapy, what did I have to loose, if it didn’t work?  The life limiting surgery, never be able to do things like riding a horse, snow ski or motorcycle amongst some of my favorites, would still be waiting for me. Surgery meant I could not do things, not that I could right then but I still had hope of the possibility of re gaining full mobility. Surgery would eliminate that possibility. So I started with prolo therapy about 2 years ago and had about 8 treatments. It took a while because the injury was so bad. Improvements were slow but steady and taking the first walk down the street without wetting my pants was excitedly welcomed. By the way prolo therapy hurts a lot. When DR. Hanson joined with Embody Wellness not only was it closer for me but also I trusted Maryann so I decided to give it a try.  WHAT A DIFFERENCE  Prolozone is an amazing therapy!!! Not only does it hurt a whole lot less than regular prolo but also there are comparatively less shots, for example with prolo there is a bout 25 shots to treat an area while prolozone needs only one or two to treat the same area.  I also feel that the amount of improvement from each treatment is greater.  When I would get prolo done I would be out of commission for three days not able to walk, with prolozone I drive myself and within a few hours feel better.

I am now free from the ailments that kept me imprisoned in my sick and broken body and can live a fulfilling life, So if you ever have the chance to meet me in person I will probably be on the snowy ski slopes, in the back woods on my horse or riding my four-wheeler up and down the highest sand duns, feeling and looking great. I will tell you, ” IT WORKED!!”

If your contemplating; How to get well, I have no hesitation in guiding you to Maryann or Dr Hanson, depending on what ails you, but always remember the body is all connected and it needs good nutrition and balance to heal internally and physically. It takes time and work. I have the whole world of possibilities waiting for me… Why settle for anything less?



Sincerely Cindy  “Free at last”


~ Cindy Holden